Cel mai rau lucru|The Worst Thing de Sharon Olds, in engleza

Saltul Cerbului

Daca nu stiai, cea care a castigat premiul Pulitzer pentru poezie in 2013 este doamna Sharon Olds, considerata a fi  unul din cei mai mari poeti americani in viata.

Acest premiu vine dupa o alta recunoastere meritorie a poeziei sale- premiul T.S. Eliot pe care aceasta l-a primit in luna ianuarie 2013.

Volumul de poezii premiat se numeste Stag's  Leap | Saltul cerbului si contine poezii remarcabile  in care sunt descrise dragostea, tristetea si amaraciunea datorate divortului.

Iata unul din poemele domniei sale, in limba engleza:

The Worst Thing

One side of the highway, the waterless hills.
The other, in the distance, the tidal wastes,
estuaries, bay, throat
of the ocean. I had not put it into
words, yet—the worst thing,
but I thought that I could say it, if I said it
word by word. My friend was driving,
sea-level, coastal hills, valley,
foothills, mountains—the slope, for both,
of our earliest years. I had been saying
that it hardly mattered to me now, the pain,
what I minded was—say there was
a god—of love—and I'd given—I had meant
to give—my life—to it—and I
had failed, well I could just suffer for that—
but what, if I,
had harmed, love? I howled this out,
and on my glasses the salt water pooled, almost
sweet to me, then, because it was named,
the worst thing—and once it was named,
I knew there was no god of love, there were only
people. And my friend reached over,
to where my fists clutched each other,
and the back of his hand rubbed them, a second,
with clumsiness, with the courtesy
of no eros, the homemade kindness.

Copyright © diane.ro.2013

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Cel mai rau lucru|The Worst Thing de Sharon Olds, in engleza Cel mai rau lucru|The Worst Thing de  Sharon Olds, in engleza Reviewed by Diana Popescu on mai 26, 2013 Rating: 5

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